الجمعة، 11 مارس 2011

Cupping Therapy Islamic Medical Manuscripts

A Shelflist of Islamic Medical Manuscripts at the National Library of Medicine

Public Health Service 1 National Institutes of Health
History of Medicine Division 1 National Library of Medicine
Bethesda, Maryland 1 1996

Tafilati, Muhammad ibn Muhammad, d. 1777
Tahdhib al-maqamah fi ma warada fi al-fasd wa-al-hijamah /
Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Tafilati Mufti al-Hanatiyah bi-al-Quds.
--1217 [1802 or 18031.
4 leaves, bound, (22-25 lines) : paper ; 21 cm.

The title is given on the title page (fol. la) and in the text
(fol. lb line 12).
Author is given in the text (fol. lb line 5) as: Muhammad ibn
Muhammad al-Tafilati, the Hanafi Mufti (religious authority)
in Jerusalem.
Copy was made in 12 17 [ 1802 or 18031 by the scribe Yusuf
al-Rasanawi Ibn Isma’il (fol. 4b line 8-9).
Purchased in 1941 by the Army Medical Library from A. S. Yahuda
(ELS 3327).
Catchwords; purplish-red rubrications; extensive marginalia.
A blank folio follows the treatise; not counted in the pagination.
Paper thin; only laid lines visible.
Binding is a tan leather modern library binding with envelope flap;
modem paper pastedowns and endpapers.
Described in: Schullian & Sommer. Cat of incun. & MSS., 1950, A88;
Hamameh, S. Arabic MSS. NLM. J. Hist. Arab. Science (1977), p. 96.
A treatise on prophetic medicine as it relates particularly to bloodletting and cupping.
Microfilm. Washington, D.C. : Army Medical Library, 1948. 1 microfilm reel;
35 mm. 1802 or 1803.
Title Translated: The instruction to the congregation on what has
been said concerning venesection and cupping.
With: Kitab al-Murshid / A.B. Razi, [ca. 18001.
I. Yusuf al-Rasanawi ibn Isma’il, fl. 1791-1802 II. Title
III. Title: Tahdib al-maqamah fi ma warada fi al-fasd
wa’l-hajamah IV. Title: The instruction to the congregation on what
has been said concerning venesection and cupping.
Call Number: WZ 225 R278km 180 1
Schullian Number: [A 881
Microfilm Reel: FILM 48-129, no. 5
NLM Location: (c. 1 HMD/INC)
NLM Unique Identifier: 9404753

Muhammad ibn Mahmud, fl. 1758
Risalah hijamiyah wa-al-fasdiyah / Muhammad ibn Mahmud. --1187
[1773 or 17741
7 leaves, bound, (21 lines; leaf la blank) : paper ; 21 cm.
Title given on fol. lb line 1; Arabic title grammatically incorrect.
Author named on fol. lb line 6; author is otherwise unknown.
This copy is dated 1187 [ 1773 or 17741 in the colophon (fol. 7b
lines 9-l 0).
Purchased in 194 1 by the Army Medical Library from A. S. Yahuda
(ELS 3327).
Writing of treatise completed in the month of Rajab 1171 [ 11
March-9 April 17581, according to statement on fol. 7b lines l-2.
Catchwords; purplish-red rubrications and overlinings and marginal
Paper is thin yellowed paper with laid lines and single chain lines
barely visible.
Bound in tan leather modem library binding with envelope flap;
modem paper endpapers and pastedowns.
Described in: Schullian & Sommer. Cat. of incun. & MSS., 1950, A88.
Microfilm. Washington, D.C. : Army Medical Library, 1948. 1 microfilm reel;
35 mm. 1773 or 1774.
Title Translated: A cupping and venesection treatise.
With: Kitab al-Murshid / A.B. Razi, [ca. 18001.
I. Title II. Title: Risalah hajamiyah wa’l-fasdiyah III.
Title: Hajamiyah IV. Title: Hijamiyah V. Title: A cupping and
venesection treatise.
Call Number: WZ 225 R278km 1801
Schullian Number: [A 881
Microfilm Reel: FILM 48-129, no. 5
NLM Location: (c. 1 HMD/INC)
NLM Unique Identifier: 9404750 (rev)

Razi, Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariya, 865?-925?
Kitab al-Murshid / Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi. --[ca. 18001
46 leaves, bound, (24 lines) : paper ; 21 cm.
Title taken from title page (fol. 1 a); also found in the colophon
(fol. 46b line 6); treatise also known as Kitab al-Fusul.
Author named on title page (fol. 1 a); also given in text (fol. 1 b
line 2) in the short form: Muhammad ibn Zakariya.
Appearance of paper, handwriting, ink, etc. suggests dating ca.
Purchased in 1941 by the Army Medical Library from A. S. Yahuda
(ELS 3329).
The treatise has been edited by A. Z. Iskandar, Kitab al-Murshid
aw-al-Fusul Ii-Abi Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi Revue
de 1’Institut des Manuscrits Arabes, 1961, 7: 1-125.
Catchwords; spaces left for rubrications with only a few filled in;
script is an awkwardly formed Naskhi written probably in North
Paper is fairly stiff; watermarked with laid lines and single chain
lines visible.
Blank folios following the item, not counted in pagination.
Bound in modem tan leather library binding with envelope flap;
modem paper pastedowns and endpapers.
Described in: Schullian & Sommer. Cat. of Incun. & MSS., 1950, A88;
Hamarneh, S. Arabic MSS. NLM. J. Hist. Arab. Science (1977), p. 87.
A general treatise on medical aphorisms.
Microfilm. Washington, D.C. : Army Medical Library, 1948. 1 microfilm reel;
35 mm. ca. 1800.
Title Translated: The guide.
With: Risalah hijamiyah wa-al-fasdiyah / Muhammad ibn Mahmud.
El773 or 17741; Tahdhib al-maqamah ti ma warada / M.I.
Tafilati, [ 1802 or 18031; Fi Manafi al-at’imah / A.A.
Naysaburi, [27 Dee-25 Jan 1791-921.
I. Title II. Title: al-Murshid III. Title: Kitab al-Fusul IV.
Title: al-Fusul V. Title: The guide.
Call Number: WZ 225 R278km 1801
Schullian Number: [A 881
Microfilm Reel: FILM 48-129 no.5
NLM Location: (c. 1 HMD/INC)
NLM Unique Identifier: 9404749

Avicenna, 980-1037
Urjuzah / al-Shaykh al-Ra’is ibn Sina. --[17--l
60 leaves, bound, (14-l 7 lines) : paper ; 20 cm
Title taken from item [l] text (fol. lb line 2); usually called:
al-Urjuzah Ii al-tibb (Poem on medicine); author’s name given on
title page (fol. la).
Item [ 11: a complete copy of the popular poem on medicine by
Avicenna; English trans. : Haven C. Krueger, Avicenna’s poem on
medicine, Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas, 1963.
Item [2]: title taken from headings in poem; translation: A poem on
the knowledge of the pulse and urine; no author given; the table of
contents (fol. la) attributes it to Avicenna; text corresponds to
the anonymous poem in Wellcome (WMS Or 129, fol. 24a-28a).
Item [3]: title (fol. 52b line 2) translated: Poem on diseases of
the eyelid; no author given; a mnemonic poem covering all the
diseases of the eye as well as the eyelid; one other copy recorded
(Wellcome WMS Or. 129, fol. 28a-30a).
Item [4]: title (fol. 55b line 2) translated: Poem on the
management of health during the four seasons; author’s name given
(fol. 54b lines 2-3) as al-Shaykh al-Ra’is Abu ‘Ali al-Husayn
ibn Sina.
Item [5]: title (fol. 58b lines 2-3) translated: Short poem on the
number of vessels for bloodletting; author given (fol. 58b line 3)
as al-Shaykh Shams Muhammad ibn Makki; two other recorded copies
(Wellcome WMS Or. 129 and Vatican Borg 87).
Item [6]: title (fol. 59a line 6) translated: Poem on the
evacuation of humors; author’s name given on fol. 59a line 18 as
Ibn Makki; two other recorded copies (Wellcome WMS 129 and Vatican
MS Borg. 87).
Item [7]: title (fol. 59b line 2) translated: Poem on circumcision;
no author’s name given, but text identical to that in Wellcome WMS
Or. 129, fol. 34b-35a, which is by Muhammad ibn Makki.
Item [8]: title (fol. 60b line 1) translated: Pleasant poem on the
twenty-five doctrines of Hippocrates no author given; only one page
of text, the rest is missing; corresponds to the beginning of a
poem of this title by Avicenna in Wellcome (WMS Or. 129, fol.
The table of contents on fol. la indicates that at one time these
poems were bound together with a poem on anatomy by Avicenna and a
treatise on bloodletting by Amin al-Dawlah [ibn al-Tilmidh]; the
contents of this manuscript follow very closely the contents of
Wellcome WMS Or. 120, which is also undated and probably of the
18th century.
Copy undated; appearance of paper, handwriting, ink, etc. suggests
18th century date.
Purchased in 194 1 by the Army Medical Library from A. S. Yahuda
(ELS 1709 Med. 70).
Catchwords; rubrications; some marginalia.
Paper is thick, creamy; watermarked; visible laid lines and single
chain lines; worm-eaten.
Bound in red leather modern library binding; modem paper
pastedowns and endpapers.
Described in: Schullian & Sommer. Cat. of incun. & MSS., 1950, A34;
Hamarneh, S. Arabic MSS. NLM. J. Hist. Arab. Science (1977), p. 93.
Microfilm. Washington, D.C. : Army Medical Library, 1948. 1 microfilm reel;
35 mm. 17--.
Contents: Urjuzah (fol. 1 b-47b) --[Urjuzah fi ta’rif al-nabd
wa-al-bull (fol. 48a-52a) --Urjuzah fi amrad jafn al-‘ayn
(fol. 52b-54a) --Urjuzah fi tadbir al-sihhah fi al-fusul
al-arba’ah (fol. 54b-58a) --Urjuzah wajizah fi ‘adad al-‘uruq
al-mafsudah (fol. 58b-59a) --Urjuzah Ii jadhab al-khilt (fol.
59a) -- Urjuzah fi al-khitan (fol. 59b-60a) --Urjuzah latifah
fi Qadaya Ibqarat al-khamsah wa-al-‘ishrun (fol. 60b).
I. Ibn Makki, Shams al-Din Muhammad II. Title III. Title:
Urjuza IV. Title: Urjuzah fi al-tibb V. Title: Majmu’at
al-arajiz fi al-tibb VI. Title: Arjuzat VII. Title: Arjuzah
VIII. Title: Urjuzah fi ta’rif al-nabd wa-al-bul IX. Title:
Urjuzah fi amrad jafn al-‘ayn X. Title: Urjuzah fi tadbir
al-sihhah fi al-fusul al-arba’ah XI. Title: Urjuzah wajizah fi
‘adad al-‘uruq al-mafsudah XII. Title: Urjuzah fi jadhab
al-khilt XIII. Title: Urjuzah fi al-khitan XIV. Title: Urjuzah
latifah fi Qadaya Ibqarat al-khamsah wa-al-‘ishrun XV. Title:
Urjuza Latifa fi qadaya buqrat-l&hams wa-l-‘&in XVI.
Title: Qadaya Buqrat al-khams wa-al-‘ishrin XVII. Title:
Qadaya Buqrat al-hams wa-1-‘isrin
Call Number: WZ 225 A957u 1701
Schullian Number: [A 341
Microfilm Reel: FILM 48-l 19 no. I
NLM Location: (c. 1 HMD/INC)
NLM Unique Identifier: 9404786

Ibn al-Tilmidh, Amin al-Dawlah Abu al-Hasan Hibatallah, d. 1154 or
[Maqalah Ii al-fasd]
Risalat al-fasd / al-Shaykh al-Ra’is. --[ 179-?]
7 leaves, bound, (24-25 lines) : paper ; 20 cm.
Title taken from fol. lb, line 2; also appears on label on front
cover; usually known as Maqalah fi al-fasd (Chapter on
bloodletting) or Maqalah aminiyah fi al-fasd.
Author’s name is given (fol. lb, line 2, and front cover) as
al-Shaykh al-Ra’is, a common designation of Ibn Sina (Avicenna);
this attribution is incorrect; comparison with Wellcome Institute
MS WMS Or. 9 and MS WMS Or. 129 demonstrates that this is a copy of

the treatise on bloodletting written in 10 chapters (bab) by Ibn
al-Tilmidh, who is not named in this copy.
Manuscript undated; appearance of paper, ink, handwriting, etc.,
suggest a late 18th c. date.
No information available on provenance or when it came into
collections of NLM; was in library by 1955; not included in the
SchullianBommer Catalogue.
Fol. la is blank except for owners’s signatures and stamp, one
dated 12 18 [ 1803-41, title (Risalat-i fasd), and author (Abu
‘Ali Sina).
Casual hand in uneven lines; marginal corrections; catchwords;
scribe appears to be the same as that of NLM MS A66.1; worm-eaten.
Paper-covered Eastern library binding with leather spine and
corners; recent endpapers and pastedowns.
Described in: Hamameh, S. Arabic MSS. NLM./SD/ J. Hist. Arab.
Science (1977), p. 96.
Microfilm. Washington, D.C. : Army Medical Library, 1948. 1 microfilm reel;
35 mm. 179-?.
Title Translated: Treatise on bloodletting.
I. Avicenna, 980-1037 II. Title III. Title: Fasd IV. Title:
Maqalah aminiyah fi al-fasd V. Title: Treatise on bloodletting.
Call Number: WZ 225 113 15r 1790
Schullian Number: [A 58. l]
Microfilm Reel: FILM 55-42 no. 5
NLM Location: (c. 1 HMD/INC)
NLM Unique Identifier: 9405094

Cupping Therapy Islamic Medical Manuscripts

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