Mu Boyan's fat series sculpture of a big round fat man undergoing some sort of Cupping Therapy: he's had the air evacuated from a glass cupping jar with a flame and this 'vaccuum' has been placed on to an area of his skin to pull the skin into the cupping jar and cure some illness or imbalance.
الحجامة الرياضية هي أول مدونة تهتم بعلم الحجامة وتطبيقاته في المجال الرياضي كعلاج للإصابات الرياضية،وكمنشط للآداء البدني ولتسريع استعادة الشفاء، وزيادة فعالية التأهيل د/ أحمد حلمي صالح Sports Cupping is the first sports blog concerned with the knowledge of Cupping therapy and its applications in the field of sports as a treatment for sports injuries and as a booster for physical performance,it also speeds up the restoration of healing,and the efficiency of rehabilitation, Dr.Ahmed Helmy Saleh
الثلاثاء، 14 أغسطس 2012
nice cupping
Mu Boyan's fat series sculpture of a big round fat man undergoing some sort of Cupping Therapy: he's had the air evacuated from a glass cupping jar with a flame and this 'vaccuum' has been placed on to an area of his skin to pull the skin into the cupping jar and cure some illness or imbalance.
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